Student Services » Student Records

Student Records

Los Gatos Union School District recognizes the importance of keeping accurate, comprehensive student records and protecting their confidentiality as required by law. District policies, practices, and procedures ensure the rights of authorized persons to have timely access to student records and protect students and their families from an invasion of privacy.

At each school, the principal is the point of contact to access records for students enrolled at that school.

The board policies regarding student records are attached below. This information is intended to be summary in nature.


Student records are any items of information (in handwriting, print, tape, film, computer, or other medium) gathered within or outside the district that are directly related to an identifiable student by name, id number, parent name/maiden name, address, date of birth, or other information that would allow a person, without personal knowledge of the circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty.

Student records are those records which
  • are maintained in perpetuity and which schools have been directed to compile by state law, regulation or administrative directive—permanent records.
  • the schools are directed to compile and maintain for specified periods of time and are then destroyed in accordance with state law, regulation, or administrative directive—mandatory interim records.
  • have clear importance only to the current educational process of the student—permitted records.

Student records include:

  • those required to be maintained by an employee in the performance of his/her duties.
  • those maintained by a party acting for the district.

Student records include the student's health record.


Student records do not include directory information.

Student records do not include informal notes compiled by a school employee which remain in the sole possession of the maker, are used only as a personal memory aid, and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a substitute employee

Student records do not include grades on peer-graded papers before they are collected and recorded by a teacher.


School officials and employees who have access to student records are those whose duties and responsibilities to the district, whether routine or as a result of special circumstances, require that they have access to student records.

A parent/guardian (a natural parent, an adopted parent, legal guardian, surrogate parent, or foster parent) has the right to examine all relevant school records pertaining to his or her child within (5) school days after each request has been made by the parent or guardian, either orally or in writing.

If copies are requested, the school may charge a fee not to exceed the actual cost of furnishing copies. No charge shall be made for providing up to two copies of report cards for a student. No charge shall be made to locate or retrieve any student records.

When a student transfers from this district to another school district or to a private school, the Superintendent or designee shall forward a copy of the student's mandatory permanent record within 10 school days of the district's receipt of the request for the student's records. (Education Code 48918, 49068; 5 CCR 438)

Any person, agency, or organization authorized in compliance with a court order or lawfully issued subpoena.

In addition, persons, agencies or organizations not afforded access rights pursuant to state law may be granted access only through written permission of the parent/guardian, or by judicial order. (Education Code 49075). An exchange of information release/permission form is provided below.

Documentation identifying those persons, agencies or organizations requesting or receiving information from the records and the legitimate educational interest of the requester shall be kept at each school site. (Educational Code 49064)


Only a parent/guardian having legal custody of a student may submit to the Superintendent or designee a written request to correct or remove from his/her child's records any information concerning the child which he/she alleges to be any of the following: (Education Code 49070)

  • inaccurate.
  • an unsubstantiated personal conclusion or inference.
  • a conclusion or inference outside of the observer's area of competence.
  • not based on the personal observation of a named person with the time and place of the observation noted.
  • misleading.
  • in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student.


Permanent records are maintained by the District indefinitely.

EX: name, date of birth, address, residency verification, entrance and departure dates, historical grades

Mandatory interim student records, unless forwarded to another district, shall be maintained subject to destruction during the third school year after the school year in which they originated, following a determination that their usefulness has ceased or the student has left the district.

EX: Discipline records for suspension/expulsion, record requests/access, health information, special education program information, progress notices, parent restrictions regarding directory information, challenges record information, standardized test results,

Permitted student records may be destroyed six months after the student completes or withdraws from the educational program.

EX: counselor/teacher ratings, routine disciplinary information/notices, supplementary attendance records.

Any records shall be destroyed in a way that assures they will not be available to possible public inspection in the process of destruction.

For further information, contact your school principal. If you need additional assistance, contact the Director of Student Services, at 408-335-2040.