Board Meetings ePacket
Meetings of the Los Gatos Union School District Board of Trustees are open to the public except for closed sessions. Individuals wishing to address the Board regarding agenda items may do so when the item is under consideration, assuming the item falls within the Board's jurisdiction. Individuals may address the Board on non-agenda items during public comment at regular Board meetings only. At special board meetings, individuals may comment only on agenda items. Individuals requiring special accommodation, including but not limited to an American sign-language interpreter, accessible seating or documentation in accessible formats, should contact the Superintendent's office at least two working days before the meeting date.
Regular Board Meetings
Regular monthly meetings commence at 6:30 p.m. according to the schedule posted here. The Board ePacket is made available 72 hours in advance of the meeting and meetings are held in the Thomas P. O’Donnell District Office Board Room at 17010 Roberts Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032 unless otherwise noted.
For more information, please contact us.
Board of Trustees
Paul Johnson
(408) 335-2001
Michelle Strachan
Executive Assistant
(408) 335-2001