Board of Trustees » Board Policies

Board Policies

Our policies are online.
Los Gatos Union School District's Governing Board policies and regulations are available online through California School Boards Association (CSBA) GAMUT. 
CAUTION! District policies are regularly revised and updated by the Board. There is a time delay in Board approval and the updating of this site - not all listed policies necessarily reflect the latest Board adopted revisions.
Please note that current Board Policies and Administrative Regulations do not reflect the changing nature of the State of California's accountability system. The current references to the Academic Performance Index (API) and the Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) do not accurately apply to the current California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) system. The API has been frozen at the 2012-13 level, along with Program Improvement designations. As final decisions and metrics are established in the CAASPP System, Los Gatos Union School District's Board Policies and Administrative Regulations will be appropriately updated.