LGUSD Playfields OPEN/CLOSED Status
The fields are the foundation of our outdoor classroom programs and vital community gathering spaces. Determining the usability of outdoor classrooms/athletic fields is crucial to the continued health and sustainability of the grass for our students and stakeholders throughout the season. Our school sites conduct daily checks to confirm that the spaces are safe and usable for everyone. Please verify the status of the fields before using.
The chart below will be updated by 8:30am daily.
Rain Guidelines
- LGUSD fields are considered CLOSED for all non-school activities during any active rainfall as well as closed for a minimum period of 24-48 hours after heavy rain has subsided.
- Additional closure time may be put in place if there have been periods of heavy rains and the fields or areas are saturated. Field status will be posted on our website.
- LGUSD staff will make a determination based on safety when field conditions improve and usage can resume. Smaller areas needing additional off time will be at the discretion of LGUSD Maintenance staff and will be fenced off accordingly.
- The field will be considered CLOSED to outside organizations if District staff at any time determine that they are too wet for play or safety issues could arise.
Additional Conditions for Field Closure
All fields within LGUSD are CLOSED for non-school activities from the Monday before Thanksgiving to March 1st of each calendar year. (These are seasonal guidelines subject to review by the Director of Maintenance and Operations.)
The following closure conditions apply to periods of rainfall, over-watered fields, drainage issues and/or in the event of an irrigation break.
- Standing water present on any part of the field that cannot be removed without causing damage to the field
- Muddy conditions present that will not dry by the start of the game
- A footprint impression is left on the surface while walking on the field of play
Additional User Guidelines for Preparation of the Fields for Game Play
- No lines shall be permanently burned into fields. Use turf paint for striping or temporary spray chalk.
- No permanent soccer goals shall be used. The intent is for soccer goals to be temporary and not be embedded. All soccer goals shall be installed temporarily utilizing a system of weights specifically designed by the manufacturer to safely weigh down the goals from tipping over.
- All goals (be it for soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, etc) should be regularly moved, especially during practice, so that the high wear areas and repetitive use can be better distributed throughout the play field.
- Soccer goals shall be removed from the field area after use in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and locked down for proper security.
- Fields shall be rotated to not occupy the same areas for more than two weeks in a row. This will assist in reducing the goal mouth syndrome where the grass in front of soccer goals is heavily used and wears out.
- No stakes shall be set into the ground for goals, tents, etc.
- No structures or field improvements are allowed without District approval.
- Trash shall be picked up by users after games and deposited in trash receptacles.
- Users shall inspect and monitor the field prior to use to verify that there are no hazards or deleterious materials in the field area that would cause harm to players.
- There should be no adjustments to the irrigation system except by authorized District personnel.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are the fields and tracks open for use?
The fields are the foundation of our outdoor classroom programs and vital community gathering spaces. Our outdoor classrooms/athletic fields are available for LGUSD educational programs and for community groups to reserve. While fields are open for the most part, barring wet conditions, at this time, some fields may have partial closures for a number of reasons. These sections are identified by the taped off areas on the field. There is additional work being done at Blossom Hill and other downtown elementary schools to address drainage issues that have been identified. We are working with our contractors to address the problems. The recent rainy weather has also had an impact on these areas. These factors can impact the availability of the fields for both educational programming and community use.
The fields are the foundation of our outdoor classroom programs and vital community gathering spaces. Our outdoor classrooms/athletic fields are available for LGUSD educational programs and for community groups to reserve. While fields are open for the most part, barring wet conditions, at this time, some fields may have partial closures for a number of reasons. These sections are identified by the taped off areas on the field. There is additional work being done at Blossom Hill and other downtown elementary schools to address drainage issues that have been identified. We are working with our contractors to address the problems. The recent rainy weather has also had an impact on these areas. These factors can impact the availability of the fields for both educational programming and community use.
Please verify the status of the fields before using them. Please contact the school site directly if you have questions regarding the status of the fields.
Reservations are required for all after-school and weekend field use. Visit our Facilities Use Information webpage for more information.
Why are the fields closed after rain?
We will continue the practice of closing the fields after rain for 24 to 48 hours to allow the soil to absorb the water and provide a safe playing environment. We have had significant rain in January and February. We anticipate additional rain which will impact the usage of our fields. Please verify the status of the fields before using them.
We will continue the practice of closing the fields after rain for 24 to 48 hours to allow the soil to absorb the water and provide a safe playing environment. We have had significant rain in January and February. We anticipate additional rain which will impact the usage of our fields. Please verify the status of the fields before using them.
In the event the fields are open and teams discover areas that are not completely dry, we ask that you use your best judgment and move play to another area. This supports player safety and healthy fields.
Are dogs allowed on the fields?
We recognize that a pet is an important member of a family. However, we do not allow pets on our campuses, fields, and tracks at any time. Those spaces are used for our educational programs and are considered classroom space. In addition, pet waste is toxic to the grass and unsanitary for children. Please work with us to maintain a clean and healthy educational space. Keep pets at home.
We recognize that a pet is an important member of a family. However, we do not allow pets on our campuses, fields, and tracks at any time. Those spaces are used for our educational programs and are considered classroom space. In addition, pet waste is toxic to the grass and unsanitary for children. Please work with us to maintain a clean and healthy educational space. Keep pets at home.
How can sports teams help maintain the fields?
Here are a few ways to help LGUSD maintain healthy and safe fields:
Here are a few ways to help LGUSD maintain healthy and safe fields:
- Reserve your usage time through Facilitron. This ensures everyone has adequate space to practice.
- Sports requiring the use of cleats should periodically rotate their practice to different areas of the field or other fields within LGUSD.
- Move goals and field positions at every practice.
- Hold practice on the blacktop space if the field is too wet.
- Dispose of trash after practice or games.
- Refrain from using the fields when they are closed.
What is being done to maintain the fields?
New irrigation systems, including clocks, timers, and valves were installed during the renovation. In addition, new equipment has been purchased to ensure the ability to successfully maintain healthy grass. LGUSD Maintenance and Operation has worked to schedule routine maintenance to not impact our educational programs. We have three dedicated groundskeepers who are responsible for ongoing maintenance. They monitor the condition of the fields, mow, fertilize, and check on the irrigation. We also have the ability to adjust our maintenance plans to accommodate wet winters and drought situations if needed.
New irrigation systems, including clocks, timers, and valves were installed during the renovation. In addition, new equipment has been purchased to ensure the ability to successfully maintain healthy grass. LGUSD Maintenance and Operation has worked to schedule routine maintenance to not impact our educational programs. We have three dedicated groundskeepers who are responsible for ongoing maintenance. They monitor the condition of the fields, mow, fertilize, and check on the irrigation. We also have the ability to adjust our maintenance plans to accommodate wet winters and drought situations if needed.
What is being done to address drainage of the fields?
We are aware that some sites have some drainage problems limiting the full use of the fields. Those areas have been identified and we are working with our contractors to address those issues. These areas are sectioned off in order to allow for them to dry out. We anticipate starting repairs over Spring Break if the weather cooperates. Work is likely to continue through May. We will schedule additional work to have minimal impact on school programs and outside user group events.
We are aware that some sites have some drainage problems limiting the full use of the fields. Those areas have been identified and we are working with our contractors to address those issues. These areas are sectioned off in order to allow for them to dry out. We anticipate starting repairs over Spring Break if the weather cooperates. Work is likely to continue through May. We will schedule additional work to have minimal impact on school programs and outside user group events.
What is being done to address the weeds that are growing in the fields?
The type of grass on our fields is Bermuda grass which goes dormant in colder weather. This causes the brown coloration of the fields. The visible growth is a cool-season grass that thrives this time of year. That grass variety could have made its way into the Bermuda sod at the farm or is a resilient seed left over when the previous grass was removed. This is a normal occurrence and is beneficial for the fields as it helps with water absorption and drainage issues. We are working with our contractors to encourage the growth of this grass during the cooler weather. As the weather warms up, the Bermuda grass will begin to overtake the other and thrive.
The type of grass on our fields is Bermuda grass which goes dormant in colder weather. This causes the brown coloration of the fields. The visible growth is a cool-season grass that thrives this time of year. That grass variety could have made its way into the Bermuda sod at the farm or is a resilient seed left over when the previous grass was removed. This is a normal occurrence and is beneficial for the fields as it helps with water absorption and drainage issues. We are working with our contractors to encourage the growth of this grass during the cooler weather. As the weather warms up, the Bermuda grass will begin to overtake the other and thrive.