State Standards and Assessments

On January 1, 2014, California Education Code Section 60640 established the CAASPP System of assessments. The CAASPP system includes the:

  • Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Summative for English Language Arts / Math for Grades 3-8
  • California Science Test (CAST) for Grades 5 and 8 
  • California Alternate Assessment (CAA) English Language Arts / Math and Science for Grades 3-8
  • English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Initial and Summative
  • Physical Fitness Test for Grades 5 and 7


For a detailed overview of the CAASPP system, click here to link to the California Department of Education website.


Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Summative for English Language Arts for Grades 3-8

  • Part 1-Computer Adaptive, approximately 45 minutes
  • Part 2-Performance Task, approximately 120 minutes

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Summative for Math for Grades 3-8

  • Part 1-Computer Adaptive, approximately 60 minutes
  • Part 2-Performance Task, approximately 60 minutes

California Science Test (CAST) for Grades 5 and 8 

Computer Based Test approximately two hours:
  • Part 1 - Two or three blocks of discrete questions
  • Part 2 - Two or three Performance Tasks

California Alternate Assessment (CAA) English Language Arts / Math and Science for Grades 3-8

  • English Language Arts - approximately 100 minutes
  • Math - approximately 100 minutes
  • Science - Each Performance Task is approximately two hours

English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Initial and Summative

  • Initial - Taken within 30 days of enrolling in a California public school
  • Summative - Taken in the Spring for English Learners  

Physical Fitness Test

  • Administered in the Spring for grades 5 and 7


A parent or guardian may submit a written request to the District to excuse a student from participation in part, or all, of the assessments under the CAASPP. (See Title 5 CCR section 852 and Education code 60604 and 60615). The request must be submitted to the site principal. The ability to make such a request applies only to the CAASPP testing.