LGUSD 2020-2026 Strategic Plan » Innovation Grants

Innovation Grants

Fostering Innovation In Our Classrooms

Through the generous support of contributions to One Community LG and administered through the Los Gatos Education Foundation, LGUSD offers Strategic Plan Staff Innovation Grants.  The purpose of these grants is to provide leadership development opportunities for LGUSD staff, enhance curriculum and instruction across the district, and foster innovation in our classrooms

The innovation grants are open to all certificated and classified staff in the Los Gatos Union School District.  Priority is given to projects that impact students at a grade level, schoolwide or district-wide level that foster creativity and innovation. Projects must align with LGUSD’s Strategic Plan.

Each year $25,000 is available for grants. The goal is to benefit as many students and staff as possible throughout the LGUSD. 

Spotlight Projects 2022-2023

Elementary Counselors Create Spaces for Students to Thrive

These counselor facilitated activities give students and our counseling staff the opportunity to connect and build relationships.  Each site designed and tailored their own space and activities. 

The Fisher Farm and Garden

Creating an oasis of calm where we can “cultivate our garden”!  Fisher students are getting their hands dirty, filling their tummies with home grown produce, and designing an outdoor classroom.

Spotlight Projects 2021-2022
The Game Cart:  How recess can help kids wellness through toys and board games.
Creating an inclusive environment during lunch recess at Lexington School by providing quiet games and activities. 
Explore Learning: Gizmos in 4th Grade
Fourth graders at Blossom Hill used Gizmos, a science experiment program, to explore the world.  It allowed them to do experiments that are not possible in the classroom.