LGUSD Board:
I joined the LGUSD Board of Trustees in 2014 and am now in my second term. I served in Board leadership positions as President in 2016 and 2018, and also as Clerk in 2015 and 2017. I feel honored and privileged to serve the families, children and teachers of LGUSD, and to continue to support the reputation for excellence that LGUSD has achieved.
Our family moved to Los Gatos in 2003, a couple of years before our oldest would start kindergarten. We chose Los Gatos for its unique blend of charm, community and great schools. My wife and I have three children, and all have had amazing experiences in LGUSD at Van Meter and Fisher.
I graduated from Princeton University with a BS degree in engineering. After working for a few years, I continued my education and graduated with MS and PhD degrees from MIT, also in engineering. I grew up in Marblehead, MA, just outside of Boston, and went through the K-12 public schools there.
I am currently the CEO and on the Board of Directors of a Bay Area biotech startup, and I have worked in various executive / management roles in biotech since moving to California in 1999. Immediately prior to that, I was a professor at Carnegie Mellon University for two years in the mechanical engineering department and received the department’s “Professor of the Year” award at the end of my first year.
Other Community Service:
I have coached approximately 20 seasons of youth sports (soccer, basketball and baseball) for my children’s teams, mostly in Los Gatos. From 2001 to 2018, I was the treasurer for a couple of Princeton alumni organizations, and from 2010 to 2014, I was a mentor for startup ventures through a program run by MIT.